About the APA - What members are saying about the APA

"The American Psychotherapy Association has hit a home run! The spirit of excellence shines brightly through the skilled leadership of its Executive Advisory Board Members and dedicated staff. Based on cooperation, contribution, courage and optimism, APA provides an opportunity for its members to learn, share and grow as psychotherapists."

--Casey Self, M.A., LMHC, CAP, DAPA

"The APA is a winner! It offers psychotherapists a vehicle for the facilitation of quality services. The real winners will be our clients."

--Michael Orlans, M.A., DAPA Executive Advisory Board Member

“The American Psychotherapy Association provides a unique forum for psychotherapists of all persuasions to present their work, to teach and to learn through lectures, panels, etc. Beyond that, it also provides an opportunity to meet and share with each other and to strengthen our support of psychotherapy.”

--James F. Masterson, M.D., FAPA Executive Advisory Board Member

"I am very pleased that the American Psychotherapy Association is against the insurance companies imposing coverage limits. Managed care and HMOs have had an extremely negative impact on our profession. It is ridiculous to be told by unqualified people how to run our practices. I have removed my name from the rosters of all insurance companies, and several of my colleagues have done the same."

--Arnold Lazarus, Ph.D., FAPA Executive Advisory Board Member

“I was so pleased to have a chance to present to the American Psychotherapy Association, because I received great support for the concept of mental health as a separate entity without any reference to mental illness.  I hope they will join me in my struggle against using drugs to treat these non-existent illnesses.”

— William Glasser, M.D., FAPA Executive Advisory Board Member

"The American Psychotherapy Association provides brilliantly creative and deeply satisfying perspectives for us to find our individual selves while we grow together during this incredible time of transition in human development."

Ernest Rossi, Ph.D., FAPA Executive Advisory Board Member


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